Dental Crowns in Westerville, OH

Couple with dental crowns in Westerville, OH

At Stefan Family Dental, we believe that a healthy, beautiful smile can be a source of confidence and well-being. For over 40 years, our practice has been dedicated to providing exceptional dental care to the Westerville community. We understand the importance of comprehensive treatment plans, thorough communication, and delivering outstanding, predictable results. As part of our commitment to exceeding your expectations, we offer a wide range of dental services, with one of our essential offerings being dental crowns.

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Request an appointment today and experience care that puts you first.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns, often referred to as tooth caps, are versatile restorations that play a crucial role in our commitment to enhancing your oral health and the aesthetics of your smile. These custom-made tooth caps are designed to cover and protect damaged or weakened teeth, providing strength, durability, and a natural-looking appearance.

How Do Dental Crowns Work?

Dental crowns encase a tooth entirely, restoring its shape, size, strength, and appearance. They serve as versatile solutions for addressing a range of dental issues, including the protection of teeth following root canal procedures, the reinforcement of cracked or fractured teeth, covering large fillings when natural tooth structure is insufficient, enhancing the appearance of discolored or misshapen teeth, and securely anchoring dental bridges in place.

Why Might Someone Need a Tooth Crown?

There are several scenarios in which you might require a dental cap. Some common reasons include:

  • Advanced Tooth Decay: When tooth decay reaches an advanced stage, making it impossible to restore with a filling, a dental crown can provide the necessary reinforcement and protection.
  • Significant Tooth Damage: Teeth that have suffered a large fracture or crack can benefit from dental crowns, as they not only restore the structural integrity of the tooth but also prevent further damage.
  • Cosmetic Enhancements: Cosmetic concerns such as misshapen or severely discolored teeth can be effectively addressed with dental crowns, instantly transforming your smile.
  • Post-Root Canal Protection: After undergoing a root canal therapy, which involves removing infected pulp from the tooth’s interior, a dental crown is often placed to strengthen and protect the treated tooth, ensuring its long-term viability.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

The advantages of dental crowns are numerous. They not only enhance the appearance of your smile but also provide the following benefits:

  • Enhanced Strength: Dental crowns fortify weakened or damaged teeth, preventing further deterioration.
  • Restored Functionality: Crowns enable comfortable eating, speaking, and smiling.
  • Aesthetic Improvement: They correct cosmetic flaws, delivering a natural and appealing smile.
  • Preventive Shield: Crowns act as barriers against bacteria and decay, safeguarding oral health.
  • Longevity: With proper care, crowns offer a durable, cost-effective solution.
  • Customized Solutions: We tailor crowns to your unique needs, ensuring optimal results.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

The lifespan of a tooth cap can vary depending on factors like oral hygiene, chewing habits, and the type of material used. On average, dental crowns can last between 10 to 15 years or longer with proper care. Regular dental check-ups are essential to monitor the condition of your crowns and ensure their longevity.

Dental Crown Services at Stefan Family Dental 

At Stefan Family Dental, we take pride in offering top-quality dental crown services. Our experienced team utilizes the latest dental technology and materials to provide you with durable and aesthetically pleasing crowns. We tailor our treatments to meet your unique needs, ensuring the best possible outcome. Contact us today to schedule your dental crown consultation and take the first step toward a healthier, more beautiful smile.